Enterprise Net-Zero

Tracking of scope 1, 2, 3 emissions

Regulatory reporting

Decarbonization services

Carbon Projects

Verification services

Global registry access

Inventory management

Clean Energy Trading

GHG offsets

Green power procurement

Risk management

Weather Tech

Satellite imagery extraction

GHI prediction

Wind speed prediction

Digital Renewables

Control & monitoring

Loss detection

Demand forecasting

Digital Customer

Customer 360

Meter data management

Intelligent marketing

Footprinting and Strategy

Powering MRV of GHG emissions for enterprises

Walking side by side with clients to drive their net-zero journeys. CCD offers bespoke solutions combining consulting-led domain expertise, and digital measurement, reporting and verification (MRV) software. The modular tech-stack accurately measures footprints, and tracks scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions. Enterprises of all sizes, across diverse sectors are empowered to achieve their sustainability ambitions.

Compliance and Analytics

Intelligent regulatory reporting

Data generated across an enterprise is intelligently captured and processed into key reports, to fulfil all regulatory standards and compliance. This includes identification of key emissions hot spots across operations, and leveraging data to create a viable decarbonization plan and strategy.

CCD’s dedicated data science team helps enterprises find new opportunities for procurement decision-making focused on emissions and cost-effectiveness. Experienced carbon experts provide support to educate clients and their supply chains about net-zero strategy execution.

Decarbonization Marketplace

Offset procurement across geographies and technologies

CCD helps enterprises procure high-quality carbon offsets as part of meeting their decarbonization targets. The marketplace offers a diversified portfolio of carbon credits across geographies, technologies, and vintages. The end-to-end value chain integration ensures optimal prices and the best quality of offsets for buyers, and higher margin realisation for sellers.

Vertically integrated solutions help CCD predict the carbon offsetting requirements of customers in advance, giving them an edge in procurement management and scalability.

We are hiring

Be part of our great team, join us on the adventure

Together, we are driving the global net-zero transition forward through our ability to build customer-centric innovative products